There's a time when I miss you so much
like we did yesterday.
There's a time when I miss your touch
like we did yesterday.
I wonder
You were all alone
Walk in raw foot
A transparent gown and tears covered
You walked away
in distance and emptyness
You skipped
Heartbeat pauses
Just damn ol'times
There's a time when I miss you so much
like we did yesterday
but yesterday never comes
and you never waved goodbye
Prosa Dia 106: Yesterday

Let me guess who she is.. A woman who became a part of your sketch, do you still expect her back for you? :P
BalasHapusHopefully, later I can crate a beatuful poem like you did, mz..
But, sebagian besar malah jadi lahan curhat :D
oh no no no no..
BalasHapuspast is past, head to the sun now