If Romeo never met Juliet, maybe the world hadn't had a stories to tell.
All we know just playing of dirty politics and hell.
People only felt sorrow, that's what we'll know.
A band of children playing their instrument to Romeo. They knew who's the hero. The birds sang a peaceful song. Sunday morning sun brightly come. A cherish way until the dawn.
If Romeo never met Juliet, perhaps it will no romance age. People just blow to the mirage. No miracle and unless hope.
A warm from fireplace. Heating everything in surface. Even in the snow, when everything is frozen. With love and passion will broken. Let it be the guide.
If Romeo never met Juliet, this world was a rotten ground. Like a sand-castles in a beach.
BalasHapusbahasa ne...
ga ngerti karep e opo..
tapi ketok e suangar.. :)
good work..