Prosa Dia 52: Waiting for You

Today is a great day. I run my life again. Start with open my eyes, sun shine and tea cups at seven. So, perfect when I turn my phone's on. Messages from you yourself coming front. Two, three, four, my phone can't stop ringing. A smile on my face. Texting on the show! :)

Then I look the calendar when I'm on my way to bathroom. How wonderful this day, 11-11-11. My heart shouting out loud, it support my day. Oh, Craps! :)
Bless by the smell of Axe cover me.

I dress well then I take out my car, wanted to see you on the greenland garden. I found myself in the bench. Looking my silver-watch show the right showtime. A buoquette already served. Colorful flowers. Colorful day.
I'm here dear, waiting for you.. :)

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